Monday, May 30, 2011

I Dream a Dream...

I was perusing the Sea Shepherd's website and came across this article. How utterly disturbing and senseless! Just looking at the pictures nearly had me running to the bathroom in a fit of nausea.

For those of you who have no idea who the Sea Shepherds are, they are an organization dedicated to the conservation of marine wildlife. Ya know the show Whale Wars? Yep, that's them. Never seen the show? Well, my friend, their newest season premiers this Friday at 9:00PM ET. At least in the US. You should check it out.

While there is a lot of criticism against them and their tactics, I think what they are doing is something noble and that it should be supported. They are some of the few people who are actually doing something to save sea creatures around the world. Can you say as much?

There are two people on Whale Wars who I absolutely adore: Pete Bethune and Malcolm Holland. Not only are they both gorgeous (always a plus in my book), but they both are extremely dedicated conservationists.

Pete Bethune was the man who was in the press in 2010 because he boarded a Japanese whaling vessel and was brought back to Japan. After his well publicized falling out with the Sea Shepherd organization, he now is working on building his new ship and is a huge proponent of biofuels. His website has much more information for those of you who are interested: He also has a book out titled Whale Warrior. I'm putting a copy of this book on my birthday wish list.

Malcolm Holland has been on every season of Whale Wars. I wish I could volunteer that much of my time to a cause. According to his website, he is involved in conservationism, anti-colonialism, and anti-militarism. He is also a wonderful photographer. His website,, features absolutely gorgeous photos taken by him.

I was discussing the show with the hubs after watching the South Park spoof and mentioned that I would love to get involved with them somehow. You want to know what I found out? If I were associated with the Sea Shepherd's Garrett could get in trouble with the Air Force because they are considered by some to be eco-terrorists.

Anyone who knows me would know that this only gave me more of an incentive to get involved. Right now, I'm trying to convince Garrett to try to get stationed in Japan. There is the Yokota Air Base in Japan. This base is only a couple hundred miles from Taiji, Japan and I would love love love to get involved in stopping the dolphin slaughter there. (A couple hundred is better than thousands.)

What's this dolphin slaughter I speak of? If you have to ask, I recommend you watch the film The Cove. Its on netflix and you can watch in instantly, so you should watch it right now. This very second. GO!

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